Before starting her own Engineering for Kids franchise, Patty Potts worked in environmental and occupational health. Working primarily as the environmental and occupational health engineering specialist, Potts trained more than 1000 employees over the course of 10 years in this field.
How did you learn about the brand?
I really love science and I originally saw Engineering for Kids on a mommy blog on Facebook about a year ago. I have a six-year-old son and a three-year-old daughter and I’m always looking for things to do with them. As soon as I found out they were franchising I began looking into them.
Why did you choose an opportunity with Engineering for Kids?
This was something my kids could enjoy and that side of the business was very important to me. Also, I’m extremely passionate about science. I had looked at other concepts including a soup restaurant franchise and a toy store franchise, but Engineering for Kids was a much lower startup-cost option and I liked the fact that it could be home based.
What makes your business unique in the community?
The concept of Engineering for Kids and how we use problem solving to make kids engaged makes us not only unique in this community but across the country. With Engineering for Kids they want to learn about science and that’s important for future generations.
Are you involved with any charities or do any community outreach with your business?
We give gift cards to the different PTA auctions and I am involved with the local food pantry as well.
What are your expansion or development plans? What is your end goal with Engineering for Kids?
We are looking right now to partner with the Smithsonian Institute. As part of our process to secure this opportunity we have to pick out one or two monuments or famous sites around DC and we have to reinforce the engineering ideas behind them. Also, this year I hope to have a storefront before summer in Alexandria, Virginia.
Do you have any other interesting hobbies or passions?
I love spending time with my kids and traveling, especially when we get to go places with snow! Being from Michigan, it’s always nice to share the snow and other things I did as a child with my own children.