Learn more about STEM versus STEAM and how it helps drive education.
STEM versus STEAM: what is the difference?
Most people are aware of STEM, which is an acronym for science, technology, engineering, and math. STEM is regarded as one of the most important topics to know and teach because it shapes the way our world works and will continue to shape how our future infrastructure would be.
However, not many people are aware of STEAM.
Today we discuss the differences, similarities, why STEAM is so important, the inner workings of STEAM, and a few little STEAM-focused experiments you can do with your kids at home.
Read on to find out more details about STEM versus STEAM!
What is the Difference Between STEM Versus STEAM?
In essence, STEAM is very similar to STEM, except for the extra addition of the arts, hence, it’s acronym Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math. Arts, in this case, means pretty much anything that stimulates your senses, like, visual art, dance, drama, music, design… really everything creative.
Yet, as similar as they are, both of these approaches differ widely:
- STEM is grounded in more rigid, technical facts, meaning there are minimal requirements for creativity. It’s like saying 1+1 is 2 or Na + Cl is salt. The answers in STEM are mostly unarguable truths.
- STEAM on the other hand, ties all of the rigid information STEM has to offer into a creative package. In a sense, STEAM encourages students to think through a logical and analytical perspective, but approach problems with out-of-the-box creativity.
STEAM has always been a holistic approach to learning and creating. Traditional educational systems may have separated these disciplines for simplicity’s sake, but in reality, creativity and technical skills are deeply interconnected.
By recognizing that art brings STEAM to life, you’re already taking the first steps toward a more unified approach to learning with your children. As they develop your knowledge in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics, they’ll discover how creativity is essential to pushing boundaries and finding beauty in even the most everyday objects.
Why Is STEAM So Important?
As we mentioned above, science, technology, engineering, art, and math aren’t just about numbers and formulas—artistry is a major contributor.
But how are the artists and scientists deeply interconnected? Well, both:
- Explore uncharted territories of human potential
- Challenge existing boundaries of understanding
- Transform abstract concepts into meaningful creations
Have your children think about the most innovative technologies and designs we use or experience every day—smartphones, beautiful buildings and bridges, digital art, interactive media, and more. How did these things come to life? You can explain that it’s through a perfect blend of technical expertise and artistic vision.
STEAM isn’t just about what we know, it’s about what we can envision and create. The most incredible innovations happen when scientific precision meets artistic imagination.
How is Art Incorporated Into STEM to Make STEAM?
Surprisingly, Art is not separate from science, technology, engineering, and mathematics—actually, it is an integral part of how we understand and create in these fields.
Many forms of art also happen to be very technical, showing us connection between creative expression and analytical thinking.
- Music, for instance, is fundamentally mathematical. Music theory is a complex interplay of mathematical principles: the circle of fifths, beats per minute, Pythagoras ratios on guitar frets, and chords that can be understood as geometric shapes. Each song you hear is essentially a cross between math and art.
- Visual artists, architects, and designers are equally rooted in mathematical precision. These professions depend on advanced mathematics for accuracy (and oftentimes safety!) in their work. Although appealing to your senses, this technical approach isn’t a new thing. Ancient paintings and artifacts regularly show us an understanding of mathematical principles like the golden ratio or the Pythagorean theorem. The Great Pyramids of Egypt, for example, showcase architectural and mathematical brilliance that amaze modern experts with their precise measurements to this day.
The most innovative breakthroughs happen when artistic vision meets technical expertise—when we see the world not just as it is, but as it could be.
What Are Some STEAM Experiments I Can Do at Home?
Now that we’re familiar with STEAM, lets have a little fun! Below are a few exciting and educational STEAM-focused experiments for folks to do with their kids at home:
Crystal Snowflake Ornaments
Items Needed:
- Pipe cleaners
- Wide-mouth glass jar
- Boiling water
- Borax powder
- Pencil or stick
- String
- Food coloring (optional)
- Bend a pipe cleaner into a snowflake or simple geometric shape
- Tie the shape to a pencil with string
- Boil water and carefully pour it into the jar
- Add 3 tablespoons of Borax powder per cup of water, stirring until dissolved
- Optional: Add a few drops of food coloring
- Suspend the pipe cleaner shape in the solution using the pencil
- Let sit overnight without disturbing
The Science Behind It: This experiment demonstrates crystallization and supersaturated solutions. As the hot water cools, it can no longer hold as much Borax, causing crystals to form and grow on the pipe cleaner. Kids will see how mathematical principles of geometry and scientific processes create beautiful, symmetrical crystal structures, bridging art and science.
Colorful Density Tower
Items Needed:
- Clear tall glass or jar
- Honey
- Dish soap
- Water
- Vegetable oil
- Rubbing alcohol
- Food coloring
- Small objects like a grape, cork, or plastic ball
- Carefully pour honey into the bottom of the glass
- Slowly add colored dish soap next
- Mix water with a different food coloring and pour gently
- Add vegetable oil
- Top with rubbing alcohol
- Drop in small objects and observe where they settle
The Science Behind It: This experiment explores density, a crucial concept in physics and mathematics. Each liquid has a different density, causing them to layer without mixing. Children will see how mathematical concepts of weight and volume create a visually stunning art piece while learning about scientific principles of matter.
Balloon Rocket Experiment
Items Needed:
- Long piece of string (12-15 feet)
- Drinking straw
- Balloon
- Tape
- Two chairs or support points
- Thread the string through the drinking straw
- Tie each end of the string securely between two support points
- Blow up a balloon but don’t tie it
- Tape the balloon to the straw, leaving the neck open
- Let go and watch the balloon “rocket” along the string
The Science Behind It: This experiment demonstrates Newton’s Third Law of Motion and explores principles of propulsion, engineering, and design. The escaping air creates an equal and opposite reaction, propelling the balloon. Children will see how mathematical principles of force and motion can create a thrilling, artistic movement.
Each of these experiments transforms learning into an exciting, hands-on experience that shows how STEAM is about imagination, creativity, and discovery. They demonstrate that science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics are not isolated subjects, but interconnected ways of understanding and exploring our world.
Tips for Parents:
- Encourage questions and observations.
- Let children predict what might happen.
- Discuss the scientific principles behind each experiment.
- Make it fun and stress-free.
- Consider letting kids document their experiments through drawing or photography.
Remember, the goal is to spark curiosity and show that learning can be a creative, enjoyable adventure!
Creativity Is Key to Excel in STEAM
Some students may study STEM for years and still not fully realize the power that creativity and art can bring to the subject. However, as you become more aware of the true potential of STEAM, and hold to the value that art is part of science, math and technology, you will be able to dream up innovations that nobody else has ever been able to dream up.
For more information on STEM programs that Engineering For Kids has to offer, find your closest location!