Check out our list of signs your child may excel in STEM.
It’s really hard looking at your young ones as they play and try to guess what they will do in the future. Although a fun game every guardian likes to play occasionally, the outcome is a total mystery. But what if you could see their direction and steer your child into a career they may love? And what if you see signs your child may excel in STEM?
STEM, an acronym for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, is one of the most important career paths in the world. Jobs in STEM consistently try to provide a better quality of life for everyone through amazing (and sometimes mind-blowing!) technological advancements. signs your child may excel in STEAM
People in this field are innovators of the future, builders of a better world, and true contributors to society. How cool is that?
After reading all that praise, you may wonder if your child will someday desire a job in this field. Well, here are some early signs your children will display that might be signs of an excellent career in STEM.
1. Your Child Displays an Incredible Sense of Spatial Thinking
Does your child like to play with building blocks? Are they playing Minecraft on the computer a lot? Should “Lego” be their middle name?
They probably have an advanced sense of spatial thinking.
Basically, spatial thinking is the ability to visualize structures or figures in their minds in relation to the space they inhabit. People with strong spatial abilities can also visualize how these objects rotate, combine with other objects, and change their position in three-dimensional space.
Your kids have an incredible sense of spatial thinking if they are constantly building, stacking, and placing objects, which is one of the most crucial skills required for careers in STEM.
If this sounds like your child, they may find a career in STEM rewarding.
2. Your Child Is Passionate and Curious About the World Around Them
As someone with children, we’re all used to the nonstop questions that fly at us.
“How much longer ’til we get there?” “Where is my backpack?” and “What’s for dinner?” are just some of the questions we face on a daily basis.
However, the constant bombardment of whys and hows may actually be a great sign that your child might have an inherent knack for a future career in STEM. This is especially true if the questions focus on how or why something works. “Why is the sky blue?” or “How does a plane fly?” are great examples of this.
Children who are naturally curious just want to know more about the world around them and are like natural sponges for information. Your child’s passion and curiosity about the world around them are great catalysts for becoming a STEM innovator in the future, and nurturing them will only deepen and accelerate their passion and curiosity.
3. Your Child Has a Natural Knack for Problem-Solving
Sometimes, our children surprise us with spectacular, out-of-the-box solutions to problems. This is extra impressive when the idea itself is feasible!
If your child does this often, and somehow always surprises you with their problem-solving abilities, they are an absolute shoo-in for a bright future in a career in STEM.
The biggest challenge the STEM industry faces is consistently innovating and solving new problems with unique inventions and ideas. If your child does this at an early age, nurturing this gift and building their abilities and knowledge in STEM will ensure that they will be a frontrunner in this industry’s future.
4. Your Child Loves to Experiment
Do you often catch your kids doing the most random things that make you question what is happening in their heads? This might seem odd to most, but their wildly active imagination might be signs your child may excel in STEM.
Often, children who think outside the box will act on their thoughts to test their theories. If this overactive imagination and the need to act on it are channelled into scientific outlets, it will help your children kickstart their passion even earlier.
So the next time you see your child doing weird and crazy stuff, get them an age-friendly lab kit or a science toy they can explore while learning or send them to a camp or class that interests them.
Nurture Your Child for a Bright Future in a STEM Career
If your children are insatiably curious, have a passion for the world, or have an uncanny level of problem-solving skills for someone their age, you should do your absolute best to nurture these talents. These qualities are essential to achieving success in a career in STEM, and having them inherently at such a young age means that your children might have a massive advantage over many of their peers as they possess a natural talent.
And if your kids are going in that direction, why not cultivate their interests and guide them down the path with the help of Engineering For Kids! Find an Engineering For Kids location near you to learn about current STEM program openings.