

Our Learning Center Location:

Engineering For Kids of Chile

Areas We Serve:
Av. Las Condes 12803
Local 3A

Engineering For Kids

Educating Kids Today for a Brighter Tomorrow

Engineers are the people who keep our society moving forward. Innovation in science and technology advances communities to new heights, and nurturing science and math in our children’s education plants the seeds to make these advances possible. Unfortunately, schools have yet to teach kids everything these areas have to offer.

At Engineering For Kids, we immerse children in innovative courses that give them hands-on experience with the fun side of engineering. This is your child’s chance to learn they have a passion for this important field and inspire them to pursue a career where demand is far higher than demand.

To learn more about our classes, camps, and events, call 56 2 2215 1635 today.


Contact Engineering For Kids
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Contact Engineering For Kids

    Av. Las Condes 12803

    Local 3A

