

Our Learning Center Location:

Engineering For Kids of Korea

Areas We Serve:
Phone: 82 2-547-7881

Engineering For Kids

Inspiring the Children Who Revolutionize the Future

Engineering is a fascinating field for children who are already curious about the world around them. Unfortunately, the standard school curriculum does little to engage children in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) in creative ways. At Engineering For Kids, we inspire children to build on their natural curiosity through hands-on learning. Engineering is an enriching field that challenges both the logical and creative sides of the brain.

Many kids with an aptitude for STEM pass it by because they never had a chance to learn what it can truly offer. Our courses give them an opportunity to find out what an engineer really does.

Call us today at 82 2-547-7881, and let your child find out if they have a passion for engineering.



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Contact Engineering For Kids

    16 Dongil-ro, 230 Ga-gil

    Nowon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea