South Africa

South Africa

Our Learning Center Location:

Engineering For Kids of South Africa

Areas We Serve:
113 Valley Rd
0002, South Africa

Engineering For Kids

Combining Science with Creativity

Demand for engineers is on the rise, but supply has been on the decline. This is partly because a normal school curriculum does not teach students about the practical side of science and math education. Engineering For Kids is looking to change that.

Visit our full site here.

We engage our students with interesting, creative, hands-on activities to show them what kind of jobs they could have by pursuing STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education. We offer a variety of courses on different topics that challenge children to think creatively using logic and practical problem-solving skills. Your child may discover they have a passion for one of the most rapidly growing and promising career fields in the world!

Ready to sign your child up? Call us at 27 83 559 6883 today.

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    113 Valley Road




    South Africa